Thursday, 27 November 2014

How to use Rank function in Cognos Report Studio?

There will be scenario when you need to display Top records in your Cognos report.It could be any fact measure over which you have to find out Top 10 or 20 records subject of requirement.
As Cognos reports data extraction mechanism using SQL query to interact with data base so we must adhere with SQL logic while applying this.There is number of ways to achieve this like using rank or rownumber function.

The above image is for your reference to locate rank within the function tab.

How it works it ranks all fact measure as comparing their value and highest one get rank one and rest of them accordingly.
For example:-

Only thing which needs to keep in mind always while applying rank and filtering them to certain number like Top 10 or 20 you have to change the properties in detail filter.

Under general you can see Application by default defined as Before Auto Aggregation it should change to After Auto Aggregation.
If it will not change your rank filter will give you inappropriate result.
In case you have any question please write back to us, I will revert you back

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

COGNOS Business Intelligence Architecture

Cognos BI Architecture is a 3 Tier Architecture separated as
  1. Presentation or Web Tier
  2. Application Tier
  3. Data Tier
3 Tier Architecture
   Presentation Tier or Web Tier provides user session connectivity to IBM Cognos BI application

  Component that fulfill this role are referred as the IBM Cognos Gateway.
  Application Tier is middle layer contains 3 main server components
  •    Dispatcher
  •    Report Server
  •    Content Manager
  Data Tier is the lowest level in Architecture contains the Content store ,security namespace, Data Source ,OLAP Etc.
  Will Discuss this topics in detail over upcoming Articles.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Use of CAST function in Cognos Report Studio(RS).

In general cast function defines as who transforms one data type of a column to other one as defined in the function.

                     Syntax : cast (Column name ,desired_datatype(needs to define))

In report studio cast function is used to make two query item with different data type compatible with each other.
There are different scenarios when cast function is used like to convert date column or to create dummy column in UNION.
While using cast report author needs to keep in mind about the performance of report.
As any casting of query item is part of Cognos SQL rather than Native SQL,which processed at cognos server end not at database.
In case you have any question please comment ,i will respond to your query.

What is Business Intelligence(BI)?

To define business intelligence (BI) in single article is not justifiable as compare to broader area of BI. I am trying to define BI in simple words and time to time will enhance this topic.
In my words ,

Business Intelligence is combination of business concept or set of techniques along with BI tools to transform raw or unstructured data into meaningful and useful information.

There are list of business intelligence tools available major of them listed below which are available in market as standalone tools or BI suite.
  • SAP Business object
  • IBM Cognos
  • Oracle Hyperion
  • Microsoft BI Tools
  • Microstrategy
  • Qlik
  • SAS BI

There are other tools available as open source.

Purpose of Business Intelligence is to provide business decision from range of operational to strategic.
Function which help in order to drive this decision are Reporting,Analytical processing,Analytics etc.

Saturday, 1 May 2010


Hi to all of you and Thanks in order to tolerate me now and onwards.
well as of it my first blog and as you can see "first be a human being" sounds strange right as all of us are human being but as matter of science biologically we are but being a human have lots of things desirable which now a days almost lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As now a days life particularly is a mixture of "professional + personal" problems and we are just use to be puzzled in order to find out solution in this particular concern of word myself we don't have time to look up things other then this. we forget about our interest our hobbies our liabilities as a human being towards this world towards humanity,nature,relation,friends,.............
we are running our life like a machine in order to achieve wealth in order to develop but in due course of time we use to lack so many things which are looking towards us for our concern....
"very small example i want to add up here which i studied somewhere i forgot never mind important is example -------one day father of a boy reached to house his son asked him very innocently papa what is the cost of your one hour father astonished and asked------" why u asking this? "
son says tell me papa then his father says if its my work concern its around 100 bucks then his son demands 50 bucks to him father thinks momentarily and getting angry upon him for this shake only you are asking if you need you can tell me directly what is this stupidity and he gave him 50 bucks.
Then his son left the room and after some time he came back and very innocently says by spreading his palm in which some money is there-----"papa can i have one hour of yours"...................
so please before getting busy in yourself try to look up world around you and find out someone else also needs your time................
this topic will continue and later i will come up with the things which i am seeing now a days in society..........will discuss with you